2024 is a pivotal year astrologically, so we decided to initiate a monthly blog highlighting the New Moon energies and any significant planetary happenings for each month.
The New Moon occurs when the Moon and Sun meet up in the same sign of the Zodiac. During this time, the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, so the Moon’s dark side faces us. Think of ‘the dark of the moon’ as rich, energetic soil in which to plant your seed intentions for the month—an opportunity to align your own inner nature and emotional inclinations with the energy the two luminaries of our solar system, the Sun and the Moon,
occupy that month.
This month the New Moon, on February 9, will be at 20° Aquarius, with Mercury and Pluto in close proximity, and with Mars and Venus moving into Aquarius shortly after.
“I envision-Therefore I am” “I seek myself through humanity”
Archetypes: Humanitarian, Scientist, Revolutionary, Eccentric, Visionary, Rebel, Genius, Exile, Activist.
The unusual cluster of planets in Aquarius, beyond the Sun and Moon, provide a potent opportunity for us to step outside our own well-established structures and habits to look objectively at what needs to be changed, so we can create a life closer to the one we envision for ourself.
And then, let your vision extend out, beyond the ‘self.’ Aquarius is also about what we can do as the ‘collective.’ Contemplate and honor your friendships. Strengthen the energies between you and those who feed your soul. Make sure your social network is solid.
This month’s New Moon in Aquarius is especially significant because it provides a preview to a bigger shift that is happening in the sign of Humanitarian Love.
This is big news because Pluto, one of the outer transcendental planets, is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius, signally a shift in humanity’s consciousness. We had a six-week taste of Pluto in the sign of the Water Bearer in 2023. In 2024 Pluto will mostly traverse Aquarius territory with a short time back in Capricorn. But in November, Pluto, the planet of regeneration and rebirth, will cloak itself in Aquarius energy for the next 20 years.
There are tons of astro-opinions on the web about this shift of Pluto, “The Transformer,” into the Aquarian energy of “The Reformer.” What we hope is— it’s time to think and act as humanity-united for the good of all, rather than individual, spinning universes. This is a cosmic opportunity to get our collective-act together.
Pluto in Aquarius, at its spiritual best, can help us do it.
Ritualize it on February 9- Pick a tarot card or a rune for the month. If you know your chart, look to the house where the New Moon will occur to see what areas of your life will be most affected—or where setting an intent for newness is most appropriate.
Aquarius is all about tapping into your intuition, so if you don’t know the specifics of your chart- sit with your intuition in meditation and envision progress in your personal life, and for the evolution of humankind. Instill optimism in your heart and soul about making collective, progressive change —and then work for it.
Other Happenings in February for you to explore:
Feb 14 Mars conjunct Pluto
Feb 17- Venus conjunct Pluto
Feb 22- Venus conjunct Mars
Feb 24- Full Moon Pisces-Virgo
To a future full of hope—-
Much love and namaste—-
Rob and Steve
1 Comment
Good work, guys ! Well written, easy to comprehend. Namaste