This month the New Moon takes place in the mutable water sign, Pisces, on March 10th, at 5 am EST. Not only do the Sun and Moon meet up in the 12th sign of the zodiac on March 10, but Saturn and Neptune will also be swimming through Pisces. And then… Venus joins them on March 11.
For the entire month of March, there are no less than three planets in this final water sign of the zodiac, so feeling the energy of this new moon in Pisces is highly probable.
Last month in Aquarius we were given the opportunity to extend our vision out beyond the self to see ourselves as part of the collective. This month Pisces invites us to meld the individuals of the collective into Oneness without boundaries. Pisces is said to bring the finite consciousness of humankind together with the infinite consciousness of the Universe.
Wow-right! I’ll give some suggestions at the end on how we mortals might actually use this energy in the here and now, but first, let me outline the other March energies.
March 18, Mercury will enter its retrograde shadow, preparing for its retrograde journey from April 1-25. Keep an eye on what you do from March 18- April 1 and realize it might need a re-look, a review, or a re-do. Take a deep breath. Remember, the second or third draft of anything you do is always better than the first.
March 19 is the Spring Equinox as the Sun enters Aries. Spring!!!!
March 25 is the Full Moon-Eclipse at 5° Libra. This is the first eclipse of the year. Its companion eclipse, The Great American Eclipse, as some call it, will take place on April 8 and will be visible from Texas to Maine in the United States and parts of Mexico and Canada.
Some people get freaked about eclipses. Why? Because eclipses are highly energized New and Full Moons that seem to bring about change, revelations, and unexpected new beginnings or abrupt endings. Of course, all of this happens every day of our lives, but the pace at which it occurs at an eclipse can make us dizzy.
An eclipse affects each of us differently depending on our natal chart, but eclipses can also affect us collectively.
There will be our eclipses this year. It will be interesting to see them played out. This set of eclipses, taking place in Libra-Aries, began in April 2023 and ends in March 2025. Each of the eclipses works in tandem with a theme.
Perhaps adding all the Pisces energy this month, with an eclipse will have us pull together in some way. I know I’m pollyanna about humanity’s evolution upward and forward, but I have Venus in Pisces in my chart. ‘I believe’—love is the strongest energy in the Universe. I wrote a whole novel about it. LOL! More about that and the publication date later.
Ritualize it on Sunday, March 10 and Monday, March 25
—treat yourself and others with compassion. Compassion is the Pisces’ salve for broken hearts and fearful souls. Cover yourself and the planet in it.
We hope this information helps you navigate the beautiful journey of life in some way.
Much love and namaste—-
Rob and Steve