Our Astro insights blog is primarily about the current month’s new moon, but there is so much happening this month, that we thought we’d start at the top and work our way through.
With Pluto moving through the air element in Aquarius, Jupiter transiting airy Gemini from May 2024—June 2025, all three of the Mercury retrogrades in fire signs this year, and Saturn and Neptune traveling relatively close to each other in Pisces—a major theme is how to focus and direct your energies in a structured way. Focus and structure will need your attention and effort, as you may feel scattered over the coming months, but there will also be plenty of creative energy and heightened curiosity. Loosen your grip on control, and let yourself dream and then create!
Mercury is retrograde April 1- 25 from 27° Aries back to 15° Aries. There might be a feeling of aggravation or impatience with this retrograde since Aries is an energy that likes to move forward. Breathe!
Overall, keep an eye on all types of communication and be especially aware in any contracts, or business negotiations—make sure the details are spelled out.
The best use of the Mercury retrograde energy is to re-examine, re-view, re-work, and clear your clutter and set the groundwork for moving forward once Mercury is direct in late April- maybe even wait until early May.
You get the idea…you get the idea…you get the idea…are you sure you (he, she, they) got the idea? Much love to one and all, Alan
April 8 is the New Moon-Solar eclipse- at 19° Aries—taking place in the sign of Aries so it’s led by Mars. Mars and Aries are known to be courageous, rash, inspiring, overbearing, and sometimes egotistical.
Aries seeks to know itself so it can better relate to others. The Aries archetypes are rescuer, defender, pioneer, and adventurer. With the Sun in Aries up to April 21, and Mercury and Venus in Aries basically all month, then add the eclipse in Aries—you’ll be sure to have plenty of opportunities to feel the Aries energy for yourself.
This cycle of eclipses in Aries-Libra has been taking place since April 2023 and continues until March 2025. Eclipses in a specific series are said to be strung together like ‘pearls on a necklace’. What was going on for you last year at the beginning of this cycle? Eclipses are said to correspond with big changes in the personal life and the life of the collective. The effects can be immediate but more often they work as a harbinger of change over time. Pay attention to the week leading up to the eclipse and the week after. Take some notes and see how what takes place now will somehow be connected to the eclipse taking place in October 2024.
If you know your chart, look to where the Aries-Libra axis is, and contemplate the issues of relating—both as an individual and in partnership. How does your personal identity (Aries) fit into the social identity (Libra)? How can you create a better balance between “I and We?” The issues represented by the houses (in your personal chart), of the Aries-Libra coupling will also be highlighted.
A similar cycle of eclipses took place March 2004-2006. It might be fun to look back at that time period. Is there a spiral-up on a similar theme?
April 10th – Saturn and Mars are conjunct so this could add some tension to the eclipse days. Keep breathing!
Personally, I have hope that the remaining eclipses in this cycle will bring more empathy and compassion to the hotbed areas of the world where ego energies are burning out of control—and innocent people are paying the price. May there be more peace and more acceptance of all expressions of diversity in the world.
April 19th, Mercury and Venus are conjunct which can shed light on communication (the mind) and relating (the heart).
April 19th-21th, Jupiter and Uranus form a positive conjunction that only takes place every fourteen years or so. These combined energies are known to heighten idealism, and innovation, broaden perspectives, and bring to mind freedom and what it means to you.
April 23rd, there is a regular full moon, not an eclipse, that takes place with the Sun in Taurus and the moon in Scorpio. Observe the regular Full Moon energies and think about how you approach change in your life.
As you can see from above, this month’s new moon is CHARGED. If you feel tired or nervous, realize everything is energy and the energies around this eclipse can
be draining. But also, pay attention. Seeds for the future that you may not be aware of, are being planted now. Drop the overriding need to control and just be.
Instead of setting an intention for what you want this month, which is what we usually suggest, get quiet— and listen to the Universe speak to you through your heart. What does the Universe have in store for you? US?
Sit in stillness under the eclipse new moon, and bring your heart and mind together to form a partnership that promotes health and well-being in yourself and then in the world.
An open heart is a powerful tool for change. Use yours wisely.
Peace and much love—
Rob and Steve