Why Meditate What’s all the hype Many of us think ‘meditation’ is some activity only worthy of...
Rob and Steve, with over 20 years of experience and mentorship from Linda Goodman, Alice Loving, and Alan Oken, share their expertise with you. Learn what astrology is, how to create and read astrology charts, and uncover your personal insights. We offer classes to teach you how to read astrology charts, along with our transformative “Life Path Reading.”
Discover techniques and tools that enhance your concentration and focus. By mastering these essential skills, you can learn to quiet the constant barrage of thoughts and embrace mindfulness. Explore our resources and classes to learn what meditation is, how to meditate, and how to cultivate mindfulness in your daily life. Start your journey towards inner peace and clarity today.
Yoga poses practiced on the mat serve as the foundation for aligning the multi-dimensional aspects of your being. This ancient art helps raise your consciousness, guiding you towards a fully integrated life. Discover what yoga is, learn how to do yoga, and explore our resources and classes designed to support your journey. Embrace the transformative power of yoga and elevate your mind, body, and spirit.
Allow me, Rob Dorgan, to guide you on an inner journey of self-discovery through spiritual counseling. Before our first meeting, we will design a personalized four-session program focused on self-reflection, concentration, and meditation. These sessions are intended to help you access your intuitive nature and uncover deeper insights.
Studies show that Meditation and Mindfulness practices not only reduce stress but also improve work performance, foster better relationships, and enhance overall health. Just 5 minutes of deep breathing during the workday can significantly decrease stress levels and boost productivity. Transform your workplace with our corporate wellness programs focused on Yoga and Meditation to support employee well-being and optimize performance.
Explore themes of life and spiritual growth with our monthly astrology insights and insightful explorations on our Themes Of Life Spiritual Blog. Join us on a journey of enlightenment and personal evolution.
With tears rolling down her cheeks, our friend Kath, said, “My heart aches for the people of Ukrai...
I feel very fortunate to have my best friend and partner all in one person It is a gift, yes, but it...
Why Meditate What’s all the hype Many of us think ‘meditation’ is some activity only worthy of...