The wisdom they have acquired over their years has elevated them to the status of Crone—- wise and soul-centered carriers of the feminine power of love. Their wisdom was once again palpable. With tears rolling down her cheeks, our friend Kath, said, “My heart aches for the people of Ukraine. They are modern-day martyrs.”
They are at the hands of a despot clinging desperately to power and greed. I thought in my mind. But then I felt a ping in my heart of hearts. Martyrs are the harbingers of change as they will not renounce the Truth. They guide us and show us the possibilities the future holds. As I sit with the sadness I feel for what the Ukrainian people are enduring every day, I am reminded of my late mentor’s words about the evolution of humanity— “Our history is the chronicle of human evolution— the evolution of our consciousness.”
Do we stay with the old or do we move forward? In this period of our human history, we are looking at a path forward where we acknowledge the equality of all beings and we stand up for that equality. Human history is full of kings, despots, and dictators using power and violence to subdue the masses. The rallying cry for the misguided has been race, gender, spiritual beliefs, and political differences… The misuse of force has for 1000 years been successful on one level because it keeps us separated but on another level, the collective is waking up and saying NO.
When we read of the recently martyred Ukrainian family; an accountant, owning a minivan, her love of gardening, her connection with her children, and her husband who was away caring for an aging parent— we feel the ‘sameness.’ These are ‘modern-day martyrs.’ Their lives are beacons to all of us about the choices we can make for ourselves and our children and all humans that will come after us on this journey.
We must face the separation that has been strategically placed by the powers that be. We must find common ground and stop “villainizing the other side’ and instead ‘valorize’ each other for the commonality of being human. Only then can we find common ground in our beliefs. I sit every day and send heartfelt support to the Ukrainians. I also send energy to those who hold hate and anger in their being, so that that hate might be transformed.
I bow my head to our ‘modern day martyrs’. I thank them for their sacrifice, their courage, and their shining example to the rest of us that truth and freedom are the way forward. Love with all your heart – my friends. Then we will see change.
May all beings have Peace……